Huisman: new compact drilling ships break with tradition

More efficient drilling at reduced costs

Two drilling ships that are only half the size of traditional drilling ships have been designed by offshore construction company Huisman. This family-owned business traditionally designed and built offshore cranes and pipe laying systems. Whereas traditional drilling ships consist of a boat with a drilling installation mounted on top of it, the main focus of the design for Huisman’s compact drilling ship was the drilling installation itself. Huisman has managed to reduce the size of the ship by designing a ship with a significantly lower centre of gravity. The operational costs of the compact drilling ship have also been considerably reduced. Moreover, the drilling process is more efficient and safety on board has been improved considerably. The top of the drilling tower on the new ships can be dismantled relatively quickly, making the ship suitable for use all over the world.

Contributing to success with IP protection

EP&C took care of the protection of the design for this revolutionary drilling ship. We have worked with Huisman for over ten years and, in that period, we have helped to contribute to the considerable growth this innovative company has achieved. Huisman is not afraid to present revolutionary designs in what is a fairly conservative market. This has made them successful throughout the world, even in times of economic decline.

Huisman - Boorschip

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