E-mail disclaimer
Please note that all e-mail, sent from EP&C addresses, is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed and others authorized to receive it. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or taking any action in reliance of the contents of this information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received the transmission in error, please destroy all copies and notify EP&C immediately. EP&C is liable for neither the proper and complete transmission of the information contained in her e-mail nor for any delay in its receipt.
General terms and conditions of Exter Polak & Charlouis B.V. filed at the District Court of The Hague under number 31/2018 shall apply to all work and all legal relations with third parties. These terms may be consulted at www.epc.nl and will be forwarded upon request.
Website disclaimer
We are working on the composition and content of this web site with the highest care. However, EP&C does not accept any liability for the correctness and completeness of the composition and content of this web site, nor for the direct or indirect consequences resulting from, arising out of or in connection with the use of, or inability to use this website.