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Your Business First


"Our clients know their inventions inside and out, and we know the rules. Finding the right balance between the two, is a question of teamwork."

Menno Hollander studied Industrial Design Engineering at the Technical University in Delft, The Netherlands, and joined EP&C as a patent attorney in 2007. Prior to that, he worked as a patent attorney in Groningen.

Menno is dedicated and analytical. He is determined and likes to approach a case from a variety of different perspectives. “On the one hand, it’s a patent attorney’s job to assess the fundamentals of every idea. What makes it unique? How can we protect it? Yet on the other hand, we also need to be able to view ideas from in a broader context, at the process level, in order to draw up the best possible patent. This means we need to be able to ask the inventors detailed questions, and combine his answers with the rules we are required to abide by. Finding the right balance is a team effort.”