IPecunia Patents is now called EP&C/IPecunia Patents

EP&C Pattent Attorneys and IPecunia Patents have been working closely together since 2022. So closely that IPecunia is now called EP&C/IPecunia Patents. A change of name but not a change in the services we provide. Both patent agencies will continue to offer their trusted services: worldwide protection of innovations via patent applications, design protection and the management of intellectual property.

Towards one single EP&C

IPecunia's new name is the next step in our collaboration. We will eventually be one single organisation. When that happens our approach will remain unchanged: advice in clear language and the best protection for your innovation.



Thanks to the collaboration our services are expanding. EP&C with its head office in Rijswijk, has 85 years' experience as a patent agency with several branches in the Netherlands and one in Belgium. EP&C/IPecunia Patents in Sittard has extensive expertise in - among other things - the field of Chemistry. In short, you will have even more expertise at your disposal.


"I wanted to broaden our core expertise with a company that speaks the same language. That language being that we strive for the success of our clients in everything we do. By joining forces with EP&C, our clients will be able to draw on even more high-quality expertise in an even broader area. There are more of us to advise our clients."

Jaap Renkema

Jaap Renkema, M.Sc.
Partner, Dutch & European Patent Attorney 

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