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Your Business First


"You need a sixth sense when it comes to formulating things either very precisely, or in much broader terms"

Hans Mertens studied Electrical Engineering in Delft, The Netherlands, and has been a patent attorney with EP&C since 1988. Before that, he worked as a development engineer for a transformer manufacturer (Smit Transformers, Nijmegen). Hans is currently a member of a number of international IP-organisations: FICPI, AIPPI, UNION and LES and is chairman of the Dutch Group as well as Dutch delegate for the Executive Committee of the UNION Software Commission. At EP&C, Hans is responsible for the company’s contacts in Japan and Taiwan.

Hans has worked for EP&C for a considerable number of years and has worked with numerous organisations in the field of Intellectual Property giving strategic advice and litigation as well as extensive experience in the protection of an enormous variety of inventions. “I work in close collaboration with our clients to develop tailor-made IP strategies in an informal setting, with a sharp eye for the finer details as well as the wider context.”
