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Your Business First


Portretten Lucas van Gorkom ENG 2022_12

"My experience has taught me how to use patents strategically"

“Lucas van Gorkom obtained an M.Sc. in Applied Physics at Delft University of Technology. He joined EP&C in 2021. He actually returned to EP&C, following a stint at Royal Dutch Shell, where he worked as a Patent Attorney for 12.5 years. Lucas is part of our high-tech team and has extensive experience in lithography, artificial intelligence, quantum computing, drilling technology, LNG, gasification and retail.

When Lucas had to choose a career it was almost inevitable that he would become a patent attorney. "My father is an economist and my mother is a lawyer. I was very proud to obtain a Master's degree in science. Whereas both my parents graduated in social sciences. Growing up between law books and my education in engineering come together in this work. It’s a legal profession, and there is an economic aspect patents help inventors make money."

Lucas’ experience at a large multinational has taught him how patents can be used strategically. "I know how negotiations go, which is important for a patent portfolio. But ultimately, I also think it is important that I am able to get the message across to my clients. I graduated in Quantum Physics. That has trained me, among other things, in how to explain complex matters in an understandable way."