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Your Business First


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"Our goal is to create entrepreneurial space for our clients to turn their inventions into innovations!"


Mark Jolink studied Bioprocess Technology at Wageningen University and joined EP&C as a Patent Attorney in 2010. After completing his studies, he obtained a doctorate at Radboud University in the field of innovation management in the Life Sciences sector.

Since 2017 Mark has been the IP partner for several acceleration programmes for startup companies. These include StartLife on the Wageningen University campus, Novel-T on the University of Twente campus, and Briskr in Nijmegen where he advises startups on their IP strategy. 

Mark has written many patent applications in the field of food, biotechnology and pharma, and has experience in highly complex patent cases in Life Sciences. Mark also regularly gives lectures and workshops on IP strategy. "The key is to translate complex technical and legal information into words that even non-specialists can understand and to always focus on our clients' business goals".


Over the years Mark has gained extensive patent experience in the fields of functional foods, plant biotechnology, CRISPR-Cas, antibody technology, CAR T-cell therapy, and in the field of supplementary protection certificates (SPCs) for drugs, including for a number of blockbuster products such as Olaratumab and Lotilaner among others.


Mark has a broad interest in technology and science, tries to break things down to get to the core and is not easily thrown. "As a Patent Attorney, you try to get the most out of the technical, legal and strategic options to broadly protect a new product or process against counterfeiting. In this way we create the entrepreneurial space to turn inventions into innovations."


JUVE Patent is a online platform with daily reporting on the European patent market. Mark is recommended as an expert in pharma and life science.

20202022 | 2023


Read all of Mark's blog posts

2020 - Foster vaccine develop­ment with reasonable profit - published in Trouw on 24 March 2020

Scientific publications

Jolink, Mark and Dankbaar, Ben (2010) 'Creating a climate for inter-organizational networking through people management', The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 21: 9, 1436 — 1453

Jolink, M. and Dankbaar, B. (2010), ‘People Management to Stimulate Networking for Innovation. A Study in the Food Industry’. Lambert Academic Publishing AG & Co. KG, Saarbrücken, Germany.

Witteveldt, J., Jolink, M., Cifuentes, C.E., Vlak, J.M. and Van Hulten, M.C.W (2002), 'Vaccination of Panaeus monodon Against White Spot Syndrome Virus Using Structural Virion Proteins'. Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Diseases in Asian Aquaculture.