The most-read blogs of the first half of 2024

By Paul Waldekker 12 July 2024

Blog meest gelezen artikelen headerIt has become a tradition at EP&C. After six months of blogging we take stock to see which blogs you’ve read the most in that period. The first six months of 2024 are now behind us and so we know who has won. Count down with us from three to one and read the most-read blogs of the past six months.

3. The Calimero Complex and patents: an honest story about discounts

"They're big and I'm little and that's an injustice!" is what cartoon character Calimero used to say indignantly. And that is how it sometimes seems to be with patenting. Big businesses have deeper pockets which makes patents seem more attainable for them. Fortunately, as of this year, discounts apply to smaller businesses. Read number 3 of the most-read blogs here and find out how these discounts work. Patent Attorney Kees Hollaar provides a detailed explanation.

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2. EP&C signs partnership agreement with The Hague Philharmonic Orchestra [Residentie Orkest Den Haag] 

This blog has not been online very long and is already doing very well in the top 3 of the most-read blogs. Perhaps it is because it is about quite an unusual partnership; a patent agency and an orchestra. However EP&C and The Hague Philharmonic Orchestra do have more in common than you might think. Such as innovation and social commitment. Find out exactly what this partnership is about in this blog by Paul Waldekker. 

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1. The key to EP&C's 85 years of success

The fact that this blog is at number 1 makes us quite proud. After all, EP&C’s 85th anniversary has been one of the highlights for EP&C over the past year. We opened up our doors to our clients and organised a fabulous anniversary party with a theme of 'Open up'. If you are wondering how EP&C managed to be successful for 85 years, read this blog by Hendrik Jan Brookhuis, the longest-serving patent attorney at EP&C.

In the second half of the year we will continue to blog tirelessly. We do this mainly because we want everyone to be able to understand the complex topic of intellectual property. Large and small businesses, businesses with full order books and startups thinking about their first patent.

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If there are any specific topics you would like to find out more about or have a tip for a blog topic, then please let us know!